Trophy Stalkers has offered Wolf hunts in the
past, and has sent home some nice trophies. Due to demand, we
are now going to put more emphasis on the wolf hunt. Providing
different options.
One option for Wolf hunting is during our spring bear hunt.
This hunt can be a wolf only or in combination with spring bear.
This season offers a good chance at harvesting a wolf. This is
a six-day hunt taking advantage of base camp, used for bear.
We have some bear baits taken over by the wolves, and/or we set
up specific bait site for the wolf.
Option number two is during the winter in the foothills of Alberta.
Because wolf can now be baited, I work areas in the forestry
where there is a good population of wolves. As well I incorporated
the use and knowledge of trappers who baited wolves for years.
The style on hunting is via blinds sitting over these baits.
To spice it up, we will do some traveling around trying to call
the wolves. This is a 5-day hunt, taking place in the months
of January to March.
For prices and hunt dates please contact Ross by e-mail or
by telephone at 403-932-6013. References available upon request.